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Apostle Jean Morris-5 fold INTERCESSORY TEAM International Gathering of Apostles & Prophets Network


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FEATURING iMENTORS  for Deliverance Ministry
via video presentation

JARVELL MORRIS, International Gathering of Apostles and Prophets, Network

Lord prepare me......

Defined:  International Prayer Partners

               Monotary supporters

               Fellowship Churches, those who receive

                and support ministry events; Crusades,

                Seminars, CONVOCATIONS and

                The Gathering of Apostles and Prophets Network,INC.

Covenant Churches and Ministries receive

Continued Apostolic Covering; Intercessory

Prayer Covering; Outreach support;

Consultation regarding ministry and other

matters; Ministry opportunity through our

outreach ministry resources.

These include: Televison,

Tent Ministry; Outdoor evangelism;

Ministry Website design; Publishing.

*Apostle Jean Morris Ministries is

the umbrella for AJMCB and is

a not for profit tax exempt organization.

We are chartered through the state of

Illinois USA and are able to ordain those

whose lives and ministry are up to

bible standards and maintain those

standards of holiness.


*For information regarding these

churches and ministries or how 

your ministry can become a

part of what God is doing in this

season through this ministry, call:

Apostle Jean Morris Ministries


God ordered Israel to gather three times a year.
Why?  Three, sufficed the manifestations of HIS
majesty.  God, is a SPIRIT.  God was manifested
in the flesh in Jesus Christ.  Then HE sent in HIS
stead God , The Holy Spirit.
The presence of HIS majesty; The reading of the Word;
The Shekinah glory through the person of the Holy Spirit.
NOW IS IT.  We along with others, GATHER .
We lift up Jesus, who said, "If I be lifted up from the
earth, I will draw all men unto me." ,,,and
Why I.G.A.P Network. INC.?  To mentor, guide, support
men and women (prophetess) who are called to
the lot, life and walk of the prophetic order in the
simulitude of Jesus, Elijah, Daniel, Ezekiel, Deborah,
Anna, and the seven daughters of Phillip,etc.
For instruction, impartations, wisdom...
Visit our Online College of the Bible.
Click on link below.

Apostle Jean Morris College of the Bible

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SPONSORS NEEDED! To become a sponsor apostlejm@gmail.com